About Your Host!

A hoy-hoy and welcome to my updated About Your Host page! Previously, I had written a pretty bland, short and sweet version as I was impatient to start my content! Three years later, I have decided on a random Saturday to update and embellish a little bit. I am going to treat this like on of my blogs, and well, why not?! LOL. So, here we go! 

History – I am a girl born in the 80’s who grew up in the 90’s. From Rainbow Brite and Jelly Shoes that melded into The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast to Godsmack and Marilyn Manson with a sprinkling of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. LOL. I am a fourth generation child and All American mutt: Eastern European mixed with German and Irish. I come from families with strong, loud women and supportive, more quiet men. A daddy’s girl who learned how to change the brakes and oil of her car and how to re-roof a house before she learned to cook or bake. An only child, raised on ten acres of land; I know and relish silence and solitude. But also brought up in a loud, large family who can hold her own while being the center of attention.

Displays of love come in the form of homemade things, be it food, baked goods, clothing, or mini scrapbooks; those are my forms of love and thanks. I jump from hobby to hobby, interest to interest and I love to bring along my family and friends on my chaotic journey into pushing my creative self to it’s utmost limits. I learned this skill from the people around me growing up: my Papa who had a garden and gave us all his wonderful fruits and vegetables, my Father who would cook six full chicken at one time to make sure everyone had a chicken to take home. My Mother who was always there and ready to help anyone that needed it, My Grandmother and Cousin who cooked or baked things to give to you, while at their homes and to take home with you. My Godmother and Sandy Monroe (baby-sitter and second mother) who both sewed and crafted wonderful, cute, and whimsical things for all they loved.

Influences – Or shall I call them what they truly are? Muses? Right? LOL. I think my first Muse would be my cousin, Lori. She is the person who would, once a year, take an entire weekend or two (or three) to teach and encourage me in the art form of cake decorating. A little, awkward and chubby girl that I was, I had always looked up to her. She was a strong and independent woman, who had become (along with her sister) an electrician; but family was always number one in her life. Whenever I think of my cousin, I think of sweet, sugary frosting and jean jackets. My mother gave name my voice, my father gave me patience, both gave me the ability to stand up for myself and others who could not stand up for themselves. However, the one singular person who changed my heart and soul was the introduction of my Great-Aunt Mil. She and my Great-Aunt Vi (her sister), moved into a trailer that my mom and dad had brought onto our property so that Vi could take care of Mil, who had Alzheimer’s Disease. 

When people think of strong women, they think of Wonder Woman or CEOs who take no shit from any man. I, on the other hand, think of my sweet Aunt Mil, who, in her prime, was a strong-willed woman who protected her family who had gracefully slid into the confusing madness that is Alzheimer’s Disease. Most people with this oppressive of diseases become mean and dangerous. Not Aunt Mil. She loved everyone and wanted to be loved by everyone. When you walked into a room, her large, chocolate eyes would shine with excitement. She didn’t know my name or who I was, but she loved me unconditionally just the same. In her, I learned selflessness, unconditional love, and a strength only a very few people get to witness in their lives. 

My Martha Stewart came next. Talk about a strong, Type-A personality who also held a plethora of hobbies that she turned into a multi-million dollar corporation. Also. The lady could cook and bake. Dang Tootin’ she could! It was because of her that I, in college, made my first leg of lamb with a garlic puree. Perfection on a spring day. Then, only about 5 years ago came… wait for it… you know what’s coming… Claire. LOL. I honestly think that I feel a familiarity with her because in essence, it is like watching…me. LOL. That being said, there is something cathartic in the act of watching her work, struggle, and create things. Honestly, while I work on my blogs, I will typically turn her on in the background – she is my muse. Which. I have heard about muses but just figured they were mythical creatures. Here she be! And finally, my huge support system of friends and family. I can and do bounce ideas off of them all of the time. They will comment on my blogs and I truly do not know what I would do without them. Something I didn’t think I could do or would not be good at, they told me to move forward, people will find it interesting. And, The Husband. He is my cheerleader and my editor. It was his finally push that made me move forward with this blog.   

Never Ending List of Hobbies – I guess, while running through all of the people who have influenced, it now makes sense as to why I, myself, have so many damn hobbies. LOL. Cake baking and decorating, is, of course, my first and favorite love. Followed by scrapbooking, cooking and then sewing. After getting married and moving into our apartment and then our house, I realized how much I love to decorate or redecorate things (campers included). Recently, The Husband and I have been researching and getting out there more to hike on the trails available to us. With Moose, I definitely started walking everyday and I am continuing that practice with Miss Calliope. 

I truly hope that while reading through this blog, you will enjoy the chaotic journey of not only my mind, but of all the different avenues of hobbies that I exhibit. And, that’s me!